Are You A Brand-New Teacher? Tips for Handling Classroom Walkthroughs

Did you recently graduate from college with your teaching credentials? If so, other than student teaching, starting a new teaching job this fall is probably your first real teaching experience. You are probably both very excited and very nervous about facing a classroom full of kids. For that matter, you are probably a bit nervous about the fact that you'll have professional educators observe you while you teach.

The Classroom Walkthrough - Don't be scared! Remember that the classroom walkthrough isn't for the purpose of frightening you. The purpose of the classroom walkthrough is to help you. The person or persons who do the observation have more than likely been in your shoes too. Try to remember the years of training that led up to you being in the classroom in the first place. Remember what you learned as a student teacher. And keep in mind that you more than likely decided to teach because you love kids and you want to help to mold them. Keeping those things in mind might help you to relax a bit as you realize that the observation will result in you becoming an even better teacher. Unless the teacher observation is done by a meanie, the professional observer will more than likely be gentle as he or she gives you helpful ideas that will strengthen your teaching skills. The important thing is for you to focus on the fact that the observation is intended to create a better learning place for the students you'll be teaching. 

The Classroom Observation Form - At the end of the evaluation, you will probably meet person-to-person with the person or persons who did the evaluation. You'll more than likely also receive a completed classroom observation form. The observation form might include things like you setting your classroom up in a different way. The observer might recommend that you place certain students at the front of the class where you can monitor them more carefully. After all, you're not the only person who is being evaluated. If you have been concerned that your class size is too large, the observer will probably note that, and the class might be divided, or you might be given an assistant. Don't be offended if the observation addressed things that are of a more personal nature. For instance, you might be encouraged to use different teaching styles. If you have distracting mannerisms, even those might be noted. 
